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High. Until 1913, all cars all over the world were hand-built from custom parts. Although, Henry Ford did NOT invent the car, he was the first to apply the ideas of having each car have interchangeable parts and using an assembly line to put them together. Previously, like any custom build (even today) costs ran high because there had to be skilled workers to build each part, assemble the vehicle, AND to recreate parts to replace broken ones that would fit in the originals' space when they failed.

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Q: What were car prices in 1900s?
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Who wanted to make a sturdy safe and affordable car in the 1900s?

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Where can I find 2013 new car prices?

You can find the new car prices at kelly blue book website. They have the latest prices for any car under any condition. They also forecast the prices on the next years.

Where can one go to compare car prices?

One may go into car businesses and ask them directly about their car prices and take note of them, or one can go to Auto123, a car review company, and compare the prices on their website.

Who offers a detailed list of car rental prices? offers a detailed list of car rental prices. On their home page select car on the main menu and fill out the form. After this it will show you all of the prices from the major car rental dealerships.

Where can one find a guide on car prices?

Once can find used car price guides from a variety of different sources. This includes price guide books such as Parkers, as well as used car pricing sites such as NADAguides.

What is the definition of car rates?

For me, the meaning of car rates is that the prices of cars. Wherein this prices will vary depends on what model of the car, as well as the brand of the car. The rates of a car will also vary depends on the location where you will buy a car.