A weight of 700kg has a mass of 700kg, as weight is equal to mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2). So, the mass is directly equivalent to the weight in this case.
well, mine weighs a hell of a lot more than it should, they should be around 700kg's minimum
700,000 g
grown-ups 400-700kg
One cubic metre of concrete weighs 2.5 Tonnes. Typically, 1m3 of concrete is made up of 350Kg of cement, 700Kg of sand, 1,200Kg of chippings and 150 Litres of water.
grown ups 400-700kg
Nice try
One cubic metre of concrete weighs 2.5 Tonnes. Typically, 1m3 of concrete is made up of 350Kg of cement, 700Kg of sand, 1,200Kg of chippings and 150 Litres of water. http://www.planete-tp.com/en/article.php3?id_article=221
I do not get you're question, If you are asking how MUCH a horse weighs in KG, then here is the answer: draught horses weigh approx. 900kg, thoroughbreds and other tall light horses weigh approx. 500kg, ponies weigh approx. 200kg, small horses weigh approx. 300kg, and finally warm blood horses weigh approx 700kg. Please keep in mind there is a massive variety of horses out there, which I have NOT name them all! That vary weights. Hope that helped, Sam.
males: 600 to 800 poundsfemales: 660 poundsenough to break the ice!