October 7 2001 was a Sunday. October 5: Open/High/Low/Close: 37.39/37.69/36.21/37.45
The price of the stock of General Electric Company varies from time to time. Sometimes it goes up while other times it goes down. The current price of the stock is ranging between $22.95 to $23.24.
Somewhere in the $3 - $5 range
General Electric
The price of one share of Wal-mart stock on October 30, 2003, was $58.80
Type your answer here... What is the current stock price of general telephone and electronics?
Microsoft (MSFT) Sony (SNE) General Electric (GE)
The first price in 1999 (close) was $33.53, the closing price of the last trading day in 1999 was $51.58. The price range was appox. $53-32. One stock split (3:1) was performed in May 2000. These are adjusted prices.
The symbol is GE. GE stands for General Electric. General Electric is one of the largest grossing companies. The headquarters is in Fairfield, New York.
General Electric
No, the stock is only available to employees at a fixed price.
The ticker symbol for General Electric is GE and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.