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Depends on the type car. Some cars would get close to 20-24 mpg and larger cars would get less. About 16 mpg was average.

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Q: What was the gas mileage for a 1950 car?
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Do you get better gas mileage by car if you use higher octane gas?

Yes, higher octane gas does give higher gas mileage for your car. However, the increase in gas mileage may not as great as the increase in the price of the higher octane gas.

What is car mileage?

Car mileage is the distance a car can travel on a tank of gas. This mileage is also the number of miles on a car at any given time and is registered by an odometer.

What sites do I go to find out about gas mileage by car?

You can find the gas mileage of you car by searching it on and they have all types of other information that can tell you a lot about your car.

Why is car mileage important?

To save gas

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The best mileage on any car usually comes from a hybrid car. The toyota prius and honda civic hybrid cars offer excellent gas mileage.

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The best car right now for gas mileage is the Toyota Prius. This vehicle has outstanding gas mileage. It gets 44 gallons in highway miles and 40 gallons for city driving.

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No. A car will get better mileage with the correct tire pressure.

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for any car to get better gas mileage get a better flowing intake and/or exhaust or get it tuned

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Roof racks themselves have a negligible effect on gas mileage.

What is the relationship between the weight of cars and gas mileage?

Gas mileage decreases as the weight of the car increases and vice versa.