The first car to run on petrol was made in 1885 by the German engineer Karl Benz
The first ever petrol car was invented in 1883 by a German man called Karl Benz.
Karl Benz invented the first petrol driven car
The first Petrol driven Auto built in Australia was the Tarant. Started production in 1897. I think this is the first "Car" because it is fueled by Petrol.
Karl Benz invented the first petrol-powered car. It ran for the first time on New Year's Eve 1879.
the very first car was built in France 1770, the first petrol car was built in Germany
Aga khaitam
1890 from memory
The first petrol-driven car manufactured in Australia, was built in 1897.
petrol is synonymous to gasoline. so a petrol car is a car that uses gasoline as its source of fuel.
Mannheim, Germany
You turn the key, the car has energy from the petrol that makes the wheels move, this movement turns the tires and then the car moves, slowly at first but then it makes a move by using the petrol. This is CO2.
Karl Benz 1894 in Germany.