Depends on what type car you are referring to. Average price was around $21,000.
you got to be specific about what type of car but a Chevrolet or a Ford is $5,000 in the average cost in 2000.
2000 much
60,000 dollars
In 1976 and economy car would cost as little as $2000. A top of the line Cadillac could cost as much as $10,000.
According to HOME LIFE dated 1970, an auto cost $ 3,000, color TV $500 . In the year 2000, this car would be $ 17,230 and TV $2,800. If your income was $10,000 in 1970, in 2000, same income was $ 57,435. Groceries in 1970, $ 20.00 = cost in 2000, $ 114.87
A car engine cost around £2000 for a new one and about £500-£1000 preowned
There is no one answer to this question - there were many different makes and models of cars in 2000, and different price tags to reflect this. Additionally, there were many different car buying markets in 2000.
The average cost of a car in 2010 is $28,400.
Delphi XpressRC Receiver & Car Kit is the best unit to get for a 2000 Neon with a cost of $124.99.
Starting prices ranged from 15,000 and up depending on model and options.