Average cost of new car $15500.00
How much does a new car cost?
Average cost of a new car in 1950 was $1510.00
$30,748 is the average price of a new car as of 4/2012.
In the year 1930 the average cost of a new car was 640.00. The average cost for a gallon of gas during this time was 10 cents.
In 1991 the average price for a new car was $16'000
The average cost of a new car in 1993 was $12,750. Some other interesting facts from 1993, the cost for a gallon of gas was only $1.16 on average, and the average movie ticket cost $4.14!
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Around $29,500 as of 2013.
New tires can cost anywhere from $80 to over 300 for an average car.
The average cost of a new car in the year 1905 was 590.00. The average annual wage for a worker in the U.S. was 487.00 annually.