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Q: What was gm's market share in 1973?
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Is share market is capital market?

yes, share market is a capital market but secondary market as company has no direct contact with the share holders. persons deals in sharemarket through stock exchanges.

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Share My Love was created in 1973.

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What is the face value of the share?

Share can have mutliple values at a time. Face value of share is the value written on share document while market value of share is the value at which share is currently selling in capital market. For Example: when a new share issued by company value on share is $10 which is face value. After one year of issue of share, share is selling in market at $12 which is it's market value.

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Both stock market and share market refers to the same.It is a market where investors gather to buy/sell shares.

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Iwant to know about share market how its work?

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Its domestic market share is 14.8% as of January 2008.

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