A horse.
In 1789, there were no cars, and also no police. The idea of a civilian "police" force was the invention of Sir Robert Peel, who founded the London Police. (If you have ever heard British police refered to as "Bobbies", or "peelers", that's where the term came from.)
This is called impounding.
Yes ... they will have a legal warrant in hand and if there is resistance, the police will be called.
A marked police car has all the stickers such as Police, Dial 911 ect. and an unmarked car is as it says it has none of those decals to indicate it's a police car.
go to Oakland and look @ a police car that is @ a police station
Yes. In a rear end accident, the liability is still there even if police are not called.
10 amendments that are called the Bill of Rights were in 1789.
car was takeing from police in bearsden where will it go to
Police car on Halo Reach? No such thing.
all you have to do is stop the car and get out of the car and listen to the police siren
how to get police car mode
Sirens on a police car either makes "Noise" or "Wails".
It can't escape a police car's radio