An Arctic lorry has the most wheels.
An "eighteen wheeler" or "semi" has eighteen wheels, including the trailer.
Ships have no wheels. Hovercraft have no wheels.
It depends if the bolt pattern on the wheels match the bolt pattern on the vehicle's hubs. In most cases, stock wheels from one manufacturer will not fit a vehicle from a different manufacturer.
Most commonly, a lug nut is one of the fasteners that attach the wheels to a vehicle.
there is most likely a censer on one of the wheels of the vehicle
A 4x2 vehicle has 4 wheels with the 2 rear wheels that drive. A 4x4 vehicle has 4 wheels with all 4 wheels that drive.
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That would describe a vehicle as to having 4 wheels with two of them being the drive wheels. A 4+4 vehicle would have 4 wheels with all 4 being drive wheels.
You can get your 1998 Lincoln Navigator to raise off the wheels by jacking up the vehicle. Jack the vehicle up from the frame. The vehicle will raise off the wheels.
There were 4 wheels on the first self propelled vehicle, built by Henry Ford.
It is a vehicle with 4 wheels but only 2 of them are drive wheels.
A vehicle with eight wheels.
A bicycle or a motorcycle.