kilogram (kg) usually but it can also be measured in pounds
The difference between liter and kilogram is that liter is a unit of volume used to measure liquids, while kilogram is a unit of weight used to measure mass. One liter of water weighs approximately one kilogram.
One kg is about 35.274 ounces.According to google, 1 kilogram =35.2739619 ouncesAn ordinary ounce (used for most things) is 28.35 grams - there are 35.274 in a kilogram.A troy ounce (used for precious metals) is 31.103 grams - there are 32.15 in a kilogramA fluid ounce is a measure of volume, but a fluid ounce of water would be 29.57 grams - 33.81 per kilogram of water (or, rather, per liter of any substance)One kilogram is 35.27 ounces.
One kg is about 35.274 ounces.According to Google, 1 kilogram =35.2739619 ouncesAn ordinary ounce (used for most things) is 28.35 grams - there are 35.274 in a kilogram.A troy ounce (used for precious metals) is 31.103 grams - there are 32.15 in a kilogramA fluid ounce is a measure of volume, but a fluid ounce of water would be 29.57 grams - 33.81 per kilogram of water (or, rather, per liter of any substance)One kilogram is 35.27 ounces.
Kilogram/liter, or kilogram/cubic meter.
Ideally, one liter is usually equal to one kilogram and therefore a liter of flour would weigh one kilogram. This is the same as 2.2 pounds.
10 grams is equivalent to 10ml. One liter is equivalent to 1 kilogram. Since 1 liter is equals to 1000milliliter and 1 kilogram is equals to 1000grams, 1gram is equals to 1 ml or milliliter.
1 liter = 33.8140226 US fluid ounces1 US fluid ounce = 0.0295735297 litersNote that this is for fluid ounces, not dry ounces. A fluid ounce is a measure of volume, just like a liter is. A dry ounce is a measure of weight. The weight of one liter of a substance depends on its density. So it depends on what you are measuring. One liter of lead weighs a lot more than a liter of feathers!1 liter = 1000 mlOne 12 ounce can of pop contains 355 ml, so three 12 ounce cans of pop would be 1 liter plus 60 ml.Please note that "liter" is spelled "litre" in the U.K.
"Oz" refers to an ounce, which in different contexts is a measure of weight or a measure of volume in the English (Customary) system of measurement that is used in the United States. A liter is a measure of volume in the metric system. An liquid ounce is a much smaller quantity than a liter.
How much a bicycle what? Weighs, cost, take up space?
There is no sensible answer to the question since a kilogram is a measure of mass, not of weight.
A liter is a measure of volume. It is about a quart. A milliliter is 1/1000th of a liter. A gram is a measure of weight. 1000 grams make 1 kilogram=about 2.2 pounds