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Accidental Water Damage


Malicious Mischief


That is just a brief list. It is best to read your policy.

Exclusions include: war, pollution, asbestos, sexual molestation, et.c

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Q: What types of risk does typical homeowner's insurance cover?
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If a driver hits a pedestrian and does not have adequate car insurance but does have adequate homeowner's insurance will it cover the accident?

No. They are two totally different types of insurance.

Does homeowners insurance cover a sinking drive way?

It may, You really just need to discuss it with your Insurance Agent. Some homeowners policies do provide coverage for certain types of Sink-age and some do not.

What 3 types of risk does homeowners insurance cover?

Fire, wind, and theft are a few of what I believe is to be 26 of the named perils on a home insurance policy.

What types of homeowners insurance does the company Chubb offer?

Standard home insurance and valuables insurance are two of the different types of homeowners insurance available to customers that are offered from Chubb.

Does homeowners insurance cover sinkhole damage?

You would need to contact your insurance company or your insurance agent if you can not determine your coverage. Most standard Homeowners policies in the United States exclude coverage for certain types of earth movement unless a specific endorsement has been added and premium assessed.

What are some alternative types of insurance?

There are several alternative, or different, types of insurance. Some of these include life insurance, health insurance, homeowners insurance, and car insurance.

What types of insurance are offered by Penn National?

Penn National Insurance can be found in nine states of America. The company provide various types of insurance cover including business insurance (auto, general liability, worker's compensation etc.), and also personal insurance (homeowners, boat, renters, auto etc.).

What types of insurance does allstate provide?

AllState provides Homeowners Insurance, Condominium Insurance, Renters Insurance, and Landlord Property Insurance.

What are three types of special form homeowners insurance?

Many companies issue all three types. You want Special form. ... Homeowners insurance has three basic parts: dwelling, contents, and liability. ...

What are some different types of insurance?

There are many different types of insurance available. A few different types of insurance include automobile, motorcycle, life, health, dental, homeowners, and rental.

What types of insurance is provided by 21st Century Insurance?

21st Century insurance provides a couple of types of insurance. To name a few: car insurance, homeowners insurance and all it's aspects and life insurance.

Where can one get insurance for a home based business?

Contrary to belief, standard homeowner's insurance does not cover a home based business. One can get one of four types of insurance to help cover thier home based business, endorsement on homeowners insurance, in-home business policy, business owners policy, and commercial package policies.