The word "ownership" is an abstract noun, meaning that it cannot be touched or felt.
A noun that shows ownership using an apostrophe is a possessive noun.
Ownership is a noun.
The possessive form of a noun shows ownership. It is formed by adding an apostrophe and an "s" ('s) to the noun, such as "Sarah's book."
It is a pronoun. It replaces a noun. Its is a possessive pronoun. It replaces a noun and its shows ownership.
The word "lady's" is a possessive noun, indicating possession or ownership by a lady.
The abstract noun form of the verb to own is the gerund, owning.The concrete noun form of the verb to own is owner.The word 'own' is also a pronoun and an adjective.
The type of ownership is Primark is a Public Company.
Barclays has a public limited type of ownership.
The verbs "have" and "possess" indicate literal possession, but not legal possession. The verb "to own" or "to inherit" implies legal rights.* The type of noun that can indicate ownership is the possessive or genitive case.
what type ownership