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Q: What type of insurance is also knows as ordinary or straight life insurance?
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What types of insurance is also known as ordinary or straight life insurance?

whole life insurance

What type of insurance is also known as ordinary or straight life insurance?

Term life insurance, or otherwise known as pure life insurance protection.

Which of these types of insurance is also known as ordinary of straight life insurance?

Straight / Ordinary life insurance usually means that the death benefit and the premium payments are fixed for the lifetime of the insured. Examples of this is what is known as a "whole life policy." It's not the most economical way to buy insurance, but it's certainly predictable.

Do straight boys wear eyeliner?

Yes they do. Ordinary guys but also Rockers.

Can you purchase insurance on a straight talk phone?

If you buy your phone from Walmart they do offer a replacement plan that is something like insurance. You might also check with your insurance company that provides your auto or homeowners insurance as many companies are willing to provide coverage.

Where can UK landlords insurance be obtained?

Insurance for landlords in the UK can be bought through many of the normal insurance companies such as LV or any of the banks such as Lloyds. Landlords also need to make sure the bank knows they are renting out not living in the house concerned.

How does AMICA Auto Insurance compare to the rest of the market?

Per MSN Money, AMICA Auto Insurance offers comparable and competitive rates when compared with other auto insurance companies. For 12 straight years, it has also rated the highest in customer satisfaction.

Who must the car insurance notify anytime you renew your car insurance?

The auto insurance company would notify the policy owner when the policy renews. If you have any vehicles financed and have provided the company with the correct mailing address and loan numbers they will also notify them of your renewal. Many states have an automatic notification system so that the company also notifies the State Department of Motor Vehicles of insurance or insurance cancellations so that the State knows if your insurance is valid as well.

Is ordinary a plural noun?

No, the noun ordinary is a singular noun, a word for a thing that is commonplace. The word ordinary is also an adjective.

What is wrong with the sentence Ben knows your sister also?

The sentence is missing a punctuation mark to indicate the end of the sentence, such as a period or exclamation point. Adding a comma after "knows" could also clarify the meaning, for example: "Ben knows, your sister also."

What is modified life insurance?

Modified Life Insurance is Ordinary Life Insurance under which premiums are calculated so that the first few years of premiums are less than normal, and subsequent premiums in later years are higher than normal. This type of coverage may also be called Graded Premium Whole Life Insurance under which insurance premiums are lower than normal for the first few years, then gradually increase for the next several years until they become level for the remainder of the policy.

What is the Ordinary of the church?

Ordinary denotes any person possessing or exercising ordinary jurisdiction. The pope and bishops are the primary ordinaries but it also includes others who have limited jurisdiction such as prelates and abbots.