Carbon monoxide gas is the main pollutant in a combustion engine.
Gases released by a reaction may be toxic.
Gases can be toxic when they interfere with the normal functioning of cells or organs in the body. Toxic gases like carbon monoxide can bind to hemoglobin in the blood, reducing the amount of oxygen that can be carried to tissues. Other gases like chlorine or ammonia can irritate and damage respiratory or other systems when inhaled in high concentrations.
It change the toxic gases into non toxic gases (that are exhausted)
The usual toxic or problematic emissions from gasoline powered motor vehicles are:carbon dioxidecarbon monoxidereactive hydrocarbonsaromatic hydrocarbonsunburned fuelnitrogen oxidesodourssmoke and fumesDiesel fired vehicles ad:particulate sulfur compoundsparticulate carbon compounds
by relesing toxic gases YA BUDDY!
Gases which are harmful or hazardous to living beings are called toxic gasses. Toxic gases include hydrazine, methylcynate, carbon monooxide, etc.
this process main application is to protect our environment by pollution by adsorbing the toxic gases,and even in the industry also it absorbs the harmful gases released by the chimineys.
- organic or inorganic gases- common or noble gases- toxic or nontoxic gases- natural or artificial gasesetc.
Harmful gases released from factories are commonly referred to as air pollutants. They can include greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, as well as toxic pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These gases can have adverse effects on both human health and the environment.
Toxic gases.
The cause of toxic gases are of pollution being polluted on Earth. The effect is causing living organisms near it to die.
Flammable gas refers to gases that can ignite and burn when exposed to a flame or spark. Toxic gas, on the other hand, refers to gases that can be harmful or even lethal if inhaled or absorbed into the body. Essentially, flammable gases pose a fire hazard, while toxic gases pose a health hazard.