Tourmaline is a semiprecious gem found in the United States, Africa, Brazil, and Afghanistan. California and Brazil are the largest producers of pink tourmaline.
The most famous mine where tourmaline is mined is the Himalya Tourmaline Mine. It is located in Mesa Grande, California on Gem Hill right across the valley from San Diego.
Tourmaline is commonly black but is sometimes rose, blue, pink and most rare green. Green tourmaline is worth about £70 per gramm if it is of a moderate quality.
Tourmaline is a group of gem species. It comes in a wide variety of colors. The best known varieties of tourmaline are green tourmaline, pink or red tourmaline, and blue tourmaline.
Tourmaline is a group of gem species. It comes in a wide variety of colors. The best known varieties of tourmaline are green tourmaline, pink or red tourmaline, and blue tourmaline.
Diànqì shí is tourmaline in Chinese.
Tourmaline often occurs in long thin needles densely included inside Quartz. Such material is known as Tourmalinated Quartz. Tourmalinated quartz is carved into valuable ornamental objects and figures.
Tourmaline - band - was created in 2004.
Tourmaline, it is actually the State Mineral
Mt. Mann Jewelers in Bethel, Maine sell tourmaline rings. Tourmaline rings come in different sizes and designs. Tourmaline rings can be personalized and customized.
Tourmaline mink refers to the type of coloring that a mink has. A tourmaline mink has a light colored coat, with beige tones. Tourmaline can also refer to the color or shade of a mink fur that is used for clothing.
The modern birthstone for October is Opal or Tourmaline, the traditional birthstone is Tourmaline, the Mystical birthstone is Jasper, the Ayurvedic birthstone is Opal and the alternative birthstone is pink tourmaline.