Because blood doesn't rust.
It is possible for the LCD Wall Mount to rust if exposed to outdoor weather, but if it is kept inside it shouldn't rust.
short some where It could be the fan motor is stuck. I have a 2001 and the fan motor swelled up with rust and jammed up on the inside of the plastic blade which wraps part way around the fan motor.
if theres rust on the inside it means it wasnt sealed properly and oxygen got to it so its bad toss it
Possible the motor, but before replacing it remove the wiper arms from the motor itself and then run the wipers, if motor works then check both sides right and Left of the arms rust builds inside making it impossible to move, clean it up and lubricate and test it to see if it works.
Sure, inside the shuttle.
They can rust out inside and just be a hollow tube. The neck on the ends can rust off.
To remove rust from inside a drain pipe, you can use a commercial rust remover designed for plumbing applications. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Alternatively, a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can also help break down rust deposits in the drain pipe.
If you wash your motor with water, then water could've seeped in there.
Never put just straight water in your motor. You want to top off your radiator first then top off your coolant in the reservoir. Water will rust your motor from the inside out.
The fan motor located in front of the radiator is made of steel and the rust swells the metal and is jammed up on the inside of the plastic fan blade which wraps part way around the motor. I've seen this problem twice now.