I would show him the laws in my state and ask him calmly to leave especially if I wasn't given written notification from my bank. If they stayed I would call the police. My car is always in my locked garage and they can't enter without a trespassing charge and several other laws being violated. Never give your consent or they are working legally.
is the repo show fake
Yes, a repo is a repo whether you give it up or they take it.
No!!! Operation repo is prescripted and practiced just like any other tv show. The cars they repo are purchased especially for the show and some are even donated.
you get scared
You have to read your contract to find that out. You can offer to catch up the payments and keep on trucking - if they will let you do that. I once bought a car from a supposed friend and a repo man show up at my door a year later to repo the car because my friend had a loan on it and hadn't paid. I wouldn't let them have it. The repo people got the Sheriff to come out and get it anyway. I got srowd by my ex friend Jerry G.
No I think not
Cats lick their owners in the middle of the night as a way to show affection and bond with them. It is a natural behavior for cats to groom and lick their loved ones, as it mimics the grooming behavior they would show to other cats in their social group.
Repo Games - 2011 Bong Show 2-6 was released on: USA: 24 April 2012
Codename: Kids Next Door fits that description.
Cats may bring toys to their owners in the middle of the night as a way to show affection, seek attention, or engage in play. This behavior is common in cats and is a way for them to bond with their owners.
A group of soldiers, led by a sergeant, show up at Jonathan's door one night. They demand a form of payment called "damages." They want money or Jonathan's car to compensate for the killing of a soldier earlier that day.
NO! The TV show Operation Repo and all other Repo shows are fake. They have online postings for "characters" and pay a per day fee plus any other expenses. It's mostly actors who apply for these character openings. The show is completely fake and scripted. They tell the actors to act natural and shoot. Also not to burst any bubbles but the TV show "Cheaters" is even more fake. They make no pretending about that. There are various actors who have been on the show that post about their experience. "But the host gets stabbed! You see it in the opening credits!" that's what every dunkin donut eating middle American moron says. Hate to break it to you... Santa is fake, Repo men is too.