You will have to ask to a car dealer first the car specifications and also if the car has some defective parts especially the engine or not and the price too.
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There are many ways to determine if a used car dealer is reliable. One way to check if a dealer is reliable is to check internet sites to look at its ratings. Also, you can ask friends and relatives about car dealers that they believe are reliable.
This depends on what terms you agreed to in your paperwork with the dealership. When you negotiate used car terms at the dealer you should always ask in advance if it's ok to return it. Call the dealership and ask them if you are unsure of your auto dealer terms. For more information of used car's check:-
There is no cooling off period on the purchase of an automobile. Once you buy the car, you own it, and you will only be able to return it if the dealer agrees. They will never agree on a new car purchase, but on a used car they may, if you ask very nicely and buy a different car from the same dealer. So, ask the dealer and be very, very, nice about it. Legally they do not have to do anything.
One can find information on running a used car lot on various websites like wikiHow and Ask. One could also visit a local car dealer and ask for information about running a used car lot in there.
In most cases, you will not need to register your car, the dealer will do it for you. You need to ask as each dealer is different.
The dealer is actually responsible to reveal this information to you. Always ask for the CarFax.
If you are buying directly from a seller (someone on the street) you could ask them to give you the report from the last time they had the car checked out at a mechanic. If it's from a dealer ask them for the car fax report.
First, work for a used car dealer atleast 6 to 12 months. Then prepare a good used car dealer business plan. Go from there.
If this can be done to your car only the dealer can do it. The cost will vary from dealer to dealer and manufacturer to manufacturer. You will have to call the dealer and ask.