The ice cream truck usally comes around 4:20 or around 4:30
In cities ice cream trucks have a set time that they come and you can find out what time they come by asking the ice cream truck man next time he comes what his schedule is. Hope i helped :D
dose it come at 2:00
the ice-cream truck comes around 2pm
Usually around anywhere from 1100-1400
it usually comes around 6 o'clock actually or around 4 maybe 4:00-6 meep meeep lol kija hashishiridase hashiridase.
Around five to six pm
he normally come to Stanley at 6pm and 9 pm
This is a reputable brand of ice cream maker. It would typically cost around two hundred dollars, but it will last you a long time. It should make you about a gallon of ice cream each time.
The U.S. Department of Transportation estimate there are around 500,000 truck crashes each year. Only 16 percent of the time is the truck driver at fault.
you wrap the bacon around the icecream and there you go.