you should bring in the lawn mower and then take care of the radishes
There is no standard.
You should leave your air conditioner set on 80 degrees when you go away on vacations. I you have a programmable thermostat for your air conditioner set it to lower the temperature to 70 right before you get home.
There are many benefits to installing a central air conditioner. This will allow one to control the temperature of their house, and remain cool and comfortable during the summer months. It also has many benefits over a window mounted air conditioner, as central air allows each room in the house to be cooled equally.
It should be located "an arms reach" from your condenser.
It is okay to run a dehumidifier and central air at the same time. This will help keep the costs down for the air conditioner. If the dehumidifier is running, the air temperature will cool off quicker and the air conditioner can be turned up a little higher.
There is no set temperature that the central air should be set to. Most people choose to set this temperature to about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
The refrigerant (freon) in any air conditioner should last the life of the unit. If not, you have a leak.
I do not own a central air conditioner. There are several websites though that offer reviews of central air conditioners. One of these websites is
Central of course because it is larger.