No, you do not have to pay California late registration fees on your vehicle before you can register it in another state
depends on the state you live in. The type of vehicle you are registering, and how you register that vehicle.
If you are bringing a vehicle into the state of CA that has a lien on it still and you need to get plates and registration to operate vehicle you will need to take the current registration card you have from the state where previously titled & registered into a CA DMV office and tell them you need to apply for a "Golden Rod Registration". This means that you want to get registration only in CA because the vehicle is titled in another state with a lien holder on it. In addition to the out of state reg card you will need to: 1. Fill out a REG 343 2. Have the vehicle smogged 3. Have DMV or a licensed vehicle verifier complete a "Verification of Vehicle 4. If the vehicle is a truck or commercial vehicle you will have to get a weight certificate from a certified wiegh master 5. Fill out a DMV statement of facts explaining you are requesting a "Golden Rod Registration" Vehicle Registration Wizards @
About $50 in NJ. I think it varies by state.
Yes, vehicle registration fees are tax deductible as they are considered a tax on personal property. However if the car was made before 1984, the registration fees may not be deductible.
The license plates are yours to keep and transfer to another vehicle if you wish.
So that the state can collect annual fees for doing nothing
South Carolina. $12 total in 2008.
A person who acquires a new vehicle or an owner of a foreign vehicle being moved into the state has 45 days to register the vehicle. Additionally a fine may be levied for a vehicle that has an expired registration and could be impounded and towed.
Registration not affixed to your windshield offers the best and cheapest domain registration. If you purchase a domain for multiple years it will cost about $7.50