

What speed of a car describes?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What speed of a car describes?
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What describes motion of a car?

Acceleration describes the motion of a car. Acceleration is defined as an increase in the rate or speed of something.

How is veloctionrelatedto both speed and direction?

Speed descibes the rate of motion of an object. Velocity describes rate of motion (speed) of an objectin a specific direction. For example - the car's speed was 60mph, the car's velocity was west at 60mph.

What is the acceleration of a car that is going at a steady speed of 60 mph?

At a constant speed there is no acceleration. Acceleration describes a positive change in speed meaning to go faster. Deacceleration describes how fast something is slowing down. But at a constant speed of 60mph there is acceleration or deacceleration.

Does velocity describes the speed and direction of an object?

Velocity only describes the speed. Vector describes both speed and direction. That entails trigonometry.

What is the kind of speed a car describes?

Miles per hour (MPH), or kilometres per hour (KPH) are time travelled by the car over a measured distance.

What describes the direction and speed of an object?

Velocity describes the speed and direction of an object.velocityvelocity

Which describes how fast something is moving?

Velocity, or Speed

What speed does the speedometer in a car give?

The speed of the car.

What describes both speed and direction?

Velocity describes both the speed and direction an object is moving.

Ten meters per second describes the?

10m/s describes speed.

Does mph describe speed or velocity?

by itself it is speed; if associated with a direction it is velocity

If you jog for 1 hour and trevel 10km 10 kmh describes your?

if its km/h then it describes your speed in kilometers per hour