

What sort of energy is stored in petrol?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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chemical potential energy

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Q: What sort of energy is stored in petrol?
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How much energy is stored in petrol?

13J energy is stored in petrol,

Which type of energy is stored in petrol?

Chemical energy.

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What do you call the energy which is stored in chemical fuels such as petrol?

Chemical Energy

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Kinetic Energy.

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Potential energy.

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Potential energy, or tension.

What is energy stored in an object called?

Stored energy is called Potential EnergyStored energy is called Potential energy.

What sort of energy is stored in an electrical cell?

Stored Chemical energy, which is transfered into the electrical item, pushing the negative charge which is electrisity.

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chickin energy

Why is sodium not stored in petrol?

Sodium metal IS stored in petrol, or more commonly is kerosene or oil.

How do corn oil and petrol get their energy from the sun?

Corn plants get their energy from the sun through a biochemical process called photosynthesis. Petrol energy is also from the sun in that, even though it comes from underground, it is the remains of plants and animals from millions of years ago which got their energy in the same fashion that corn plants do now. (The plants used the photosynthesis; the animals ate those plants.)A:Ultimately, it can be said that the energy from petrol and corn oil come from the Sun. Corn oil is produced from corn. Corn gets the energy needed for its survival by photosynthesis, which needs light. The energy from that light(which comes from the Sun) is stored in chemical substances, such as corn oil. Petrol is formed from dead organisms over the course of millions of years. These organisms, when they were alive, consumed plants(such as corn). The energy from the corn(remember, it comes from the Sun) is stored in the meat of the animals. After they die, this energy is now stored in Petrol, after millions of years.Energy from the Sun -----> Energy in Plants -----> Energy in Animals -----> Energy in Petrol