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8 inch sub

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Q: What size subwoffer will fit in a 9 inch hole?
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What size hole can a rat fit through?

It might sound crazy but an adult rat can fit through a 1/2 inch space! I don't think a 1/2 x 1/2 hole, but definitely a horizontal space that tall. Hope this helped!

What size speakers does an VW Jetta have?

The standard size speakers in a VW Jetta is 6.5 inches in the front and back of car. The tweeters fit in a 3-inch hole.

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New tires with the size 15 inch will fit 15 inch rims perfectly.

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The maximum size hole that a cat can fit through is typically about the size of its head, which is around 3.5 inches in diameter.

Can a six inch snake fit in a two inch hole?

If the snake is six inches long and the hole is two inches in diameter, then yes. Otherwise, no.

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Two 12/2 wires can fit in a 3/4 inch hole.

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yes and no depends on size of hole :]

What is the format for calling out a tapped hole?

It's done a few different ways, but the drawing will usually specify the hole size before tapping, the diameter and thread per inch of the tap, and the class of fit such as 1b, 2b, or 3b.

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The biggest rim size that can fit on a Saturn sc is size 22 inch

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The size of shorts that would fit a boy's 26 inch waist varies slightly with brand. On average this boy's size would be 9/10.

Will a size 5 basketball fit through a 12 inch basketball rim?

It should fit.