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Q: What size generator do you need to run a 5 ton central air conditioning unit?
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Related questions

What size generator is needed to operate a 4 ton York air conditioning unit?

To answer this question the voltage and amperage of the unit must be stated. Once this is given the generator size can be calculated.

What size generator will be necessary to run a two and a half ton air conditioning unit?

To answer this question the voltage and amperage of the unit must be stated. Once this is given the generator size can be calculated.

How many ton central air conditioning do I need for a 2050 square foot home in south Florida?

You need a 5 ton unit for that size house.

How much would a Yamaha generator cost?

Prices vary for a Yamaha Generator depending on the size of the generator. The more wattage involved, the more you will need to pay. First you need to determine the size of generator you need then contact a local retailer.

What does central air size mean?

The size of a central air conditioner is a measure of its' cooling capacity. It is given in tons of air conditioning. A ton of air conditioning is equal to the abilty of the unit to remove 12000 btu of heat per hour.

How do you calculate power use for a home power generator?

Click the link. There you can figure the size generator you need.

What size of generator to run 5.5kw 400v 50Hz motor?

You need a 5.5kw generator to run a 5.5kw motor.

What size generator do you need to run a 8oz 110v-60Hz popcorn machine?

To run an 8oz 110v-60Hz popcorn machine, you would need a generator with a minimum running wattage of around 1000-1200 watts. This accounts for the initial surge of power needed to start the machine, as well as the continuous power requirement while it is operating.

What size gas generator shoud you use for 55200 watts?

You would need at the minimum a 56 KW generator. In reality you would need a 60KW.

What size central air conditioning unit do you need for a mobile home that has 1680 sq ft?

i would use a 2 1/2 ton no higher than a 3 ton unit.

What size of central and heat unit do you need for 916 square feet home?

What size of central and heat unit do you need for 916 sq ft?

What is the best home standby generator on the market?

The best home standby generator will vary from home to home. You will need to determine what you need to power, how many appliances, size of your home etc.