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Q: What size dual fuel heat pump do you need for my 5000 sq ft home?
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Where can one purchase dual fuel ranges?

General Electric and Kitchen Aid offer dual fuel ranges available for purchase through home improvement retailers. Sears and several other department stores offer a small range of appliances as well.

What is the relationship between fossil fuel and humans?

You use it to put fuel in your car and heat your home with the energy it produces.

How the site location of the a home could affect its energy use?

If your home is in the shadow of a hill for example, it will require more fuel to heat it.

What does fuel pellets mean?

fuel pellets are made from sawdust pressed under high heat and pressure to form a nugget and used for home heating

The amount of fuel used to heat and cool your home can be reduced by good?

Good insulation and good draught proofing are essential to reduce fuel use.

What type of fuel is used to heat your home?

i dont know you might know if you payed attention in class

How does the site location of a home could affect it's energy use?

The site location of a home can affect its energy use because of factors like climate, sun exposure, and proximity to urban areas. A home in a colder climate may require more heating, while a home in a hotter climate may require more cooling. Additionally, a home with good sun exposure and natural insulation may require less energy for heating and cooling.

What are the devices at home that produce heat?

Common devices at home that produce heat include stoves, ovens, heaters, and radiators. These devices use electricity, gas, or other fuel sources to generate heat for cooking, heating, or warming spaces.

The amount of fuel used to heat and cool your home can be reduced by good what?

Good insulation and good draught proofing are essential to reduce fuel use.

What are heating controls?

The right heating controls will let you keep your home at a comfortable temperature without wasting fuel or heat.

Can you use jet fuel in a home heat oil furnaces?

It would depend on the type of burner in your oil furnace and the type of jet fuel. I recommend that you contact the manufacturer of your furnace first.

What do you call a home with 2 staircases?

Dual staircase