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dont just smash on the brakes, whatever you do. pump the brakes, and keep your wheels straight. dont counter steer excessively. hope this halps a bit.

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Q: What should you never do when your car go into a skid?
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What is the safest thing to do when your vehicle goes into a skid?

Steer gently in the direction you want the car to go. As you begin to regain control of the car, gently apply the brakes (assuming you have anti-lock brakes) or the accelerator depending on the type of skid.

How do you steer out of a skid?

Let go of the accelerator, and turn the wheel of the car to the side of the rear in the direction it is turning.

Which skid steer loaders are the cheapest for a small company?

You should go with a Deere or Bobcat skid steer loader. They offer several affordable options.

What to do if your car starts to go into a spin and you have anti lock brakes?

Take your foot off the gas! Steer into the skid.

If your vehicle begins to skid you should turn the steering?

If you have a modern car with all-wheel-drive you should point the wheels in the direction you want the car to go. Then, depending on the individual model, you should lightly feather either the accelerator or the brake. If your car is 2-wheel drive you should point your wheels in the direction the car is skidding so the tires can regain their grip. Then GENTLY correct the vehicle's path.

If you vehicle begins to skid you should turn the steering wheel?

If you have a modern car with all-wheel-drive you should point the wheels in the direction you want the car to go. Then, depending on the individual model, you should lightly feather either the accelerator or the brake. If your car is 2-wheel drive you should point your wheels in the direction the car is skidding so the tires can regain their grip. Then GENTLY correct the vehicle's path.

If your vehicle begins to skid you should turn the steering wheel?

If you have a modern car with all-wheel-drive you should point the wheels in the direction you want the car to go. Then, depending on the individual model, you should lightly feather either the accelerator or the brake. If your car is 2-wheel drive you should point your wheels in the direction the car is skidding so the tires can regain their grip. Then GENTLY correct the vehicle's path.

If your vehicle begins to skid, you should turn the steering wheel in?

Always turn the wheel into the skid. Turn the wheel into the direction you want the vehicle to go. And this may require turning the wheel several times, or directions to gain complete control to come out if a skid.

What are the steps for skid recovery?

The steps for recovering from a skid are as follows: 1. Take foot off gas pedal, but don't touch the brake. 2. Turn into the skid. IE, if the rear end of your car is sliding out to the right, then turn the steering wheel to the right. If it goes to the left, than turn the wheel to the left. 3. As the rear end attempts to center itself behind the front end, turn the steering wheel back to center in a following motion. 4. Sometimes the car will go into a fishtailing type of skid; just follow steps 2 & 3 until the car ceases to skid. 5. After the car straightens out, gently apply the gas and continue on. Note: The reason the car goes into a skid is because the rear wheel begin to lose traction and start to travel (rotate) faster than the front wheels. The previously outlined steps simply correct that situation.

Where can I go online to find a used skid steer loader?

You can find a used skid steer loader at Another good website is

How often does the service light go on on your car?


What causes highlander 2004 to lock brakes and skid lights go on?

It should NOT be skidding. From your description I think you are mis-interpreting the "skid light." An '04 Highlander is equipped with an ABS system and the fact that it skids at all is indicative that it is not working properly. The "skid light" that you refer to is actually a warning light that indicates that the ABS system is malfunctioning! You should be getting it to a mechanic or dealer right away to have it fixed.