The best things to look for in a used truck, much less any used vehicle, is gas mileage and engine condition. Gas mileage is for gauging deterioration and checking engine condition is key or else you will buy a car while having to pay for the repairs as well.
You should make sure that there is no major damage. You should make sure that there are not too many miles on it and that it runs smoothly and efficiently.
There are several places you can go to find cheap pick up trucks, Another good place to look would be, but you may have the added cost of shipping.
To locate a cheap truck you should try online sites that specialize in selling used products. I would look at places such as eBay or craigslist or classified ads on newspaper sites.
they are the same truck,look em up at,youll see what i am saying. D21 is the Official Nissan Designation of the Truck. Hardbody is the "Nickname"
Look on the inside of the door there is a small sticker that will have the truck weight!
look by passenger tire by oil filter
It is always advisable to have a qualified mechanice take a look at a used vehicle before you purchase it.
Considering that a diesel pickup truck can't use gas I would say that there aren't any diesel trucks that get good gas mileage. If you were wondering which diesel truck gets the highest miles per gallon then I would say you should look at the Dodge Cummins diesel.
Used pickup trucks can make great bargains. They come cheap and could have plenty of mileage left in them. Used pickup trucks can be modified to your specific needs without having to worry about scratching the new paint. Many people treat theircarsas their prized possessions. Equally important as assessing a used pickup truck, you should assess its owners. If the owner is a car or truck lover, chances are that you would buy a used pickup truck in excellent condition. You can make out by the way the owner speaks about his truck and by his actions when his pickup truck is around. You should identify what kind of work your pickup truck will do. Based on that, you should assess your used pickup truck. Are you using it essentially to transfer goods? Are you going to be using tarmac more or using the pickup truck as an off roader. Is the terrain you are going to use your pickup truck on rocky? Then you should pick up something with high ground clearance. The first impression is not always the best impression while buying a used pickup truck. The dents and cracks and rust can be temporarily covered with putty and paint. Look under wherever there is a covering or under places where you cannot see without expending effort. The cladding, floor mats, stickers, behind bumpers, underneath the pickup truck; the lining, piping or beading along the doors; and the conditions of the wiring. All these will tell you a detailed story of how the used pickup truck has been treated. Next you will crank the engine. The sound of starting the engine will also tell you about the condition of the battery, spark plugs, wiring and how well the combustion is taking place within the engine. The engine should start immediately. If it takes several cranks to start the engine, then you may need to replace the battery. The sound of a running at idling or on the road as well as while changing gears should also be smooth. There should be no hiccups. Unless it is merely a timing of the combustion within the engine, there is a chance that the insides of the engine such as piston rings, crank shaft and gear box might need work. When the engine is running, look at the sound and smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe. If there is a rattling sound coming from the exhaust along with the engine sound under the bonnet and if the smoke coming out the exhaust is black and cloudy, then you should stay away from the used pickup truck. Check the papers of the used pickup truck and make sure that there is no liability. While a used pickup truck is far less expensive, you need to make sure that the cost of insuring the used pickup truck is manageable.
LEER fiberglass truck caps will provide your pickup a good way to secure and transport cargo. They are custom made to fix most pickups. They can also improve the look of your pickup.
That all depends on the truck itself. Every truck is different. Ask a dealer to look it up for you (tell them the model of your truck).
It should be at the top of your brake pedal it will look like a little push button switch the releases when the pedal is depressed