156psi or higher
Timing belt is bad.
on mightyape.com or gamebasement.co.uk but they're out of stock mightyape 80$ but is in stock hope this helps you.
He has a girlfriend but she isn't student.. She is a eng teacher.Why are you wonder this? This's normal, is not!?
If the 3 cylinders are adjacient sounds like it may be a bad head gasket or bad head. Did vehicle overheat?
there should be a eng. info and emission sticker in the eng compartment it will say California emission on it
cat ngeru, (Eng) poti, (Eng) puihi, (Eng) tori
Anders Eng's birth name is Rolf Anders Eng.
is it posiable to change your 94 camaro 3.4 eng to a 85 305 eng