What should an Insurance estimate be on a 42000 dollar mobile home?
alot of insurance companies offer insurance for moble homes such as geico you should look at their website and see if geico matches your needs for mobile home insurance
Yes, you should definitely purchase mobile home insurance. Manufactured housing is particularly susceptible to damage in fires, storms, and other acts of nature.
Get an estimate from another place or demand that the damage should be fixed according to your needs. Insurance companies work for you, if not contact the insurance commissioner in your state. They work for you, and are not called "Insurance Gods" for no reason. I am an insurance agent. you have paid to have your stuff replaced exactly to your specifications.
If a person's mobile is stolen, you need to get a new one. If you have insurance, it will not cost very much. You should immediately contact the mobile company, to be sure that the stolen phone does not run up any charges.
Why would you not sign the application for insurance. You should do that when you paid for the insurance coverage. I would suggest that you go back to the agency and sign the document.
Contact your dentist office, they will be able to give you an estimate on what you need doing, and then see if your insurance company will cover it. It is possible the dentist office may even be able to tell you if your insurance will cover it over the phone.
Your phone company or the business where your purchased your phone should offer you some sort of insurance. You can usually select to pay in installments or up front.
Yes, you should have some type of business liablity policy, contact a good agent and they will be able to assist in protecting you.
Mobile home insurance is quite inexpensive, and the costs vary depending on the insurance provider, the year of the mobile home and the amount of coverage people may choose. However, the average cost is about $30 per month. Although mobile home insurance is similar to homeowners insurance, mobile home insurance is specifically designed with mobile homes in mind. The availability of various Mobile home insurance coverage varies depending on the provider and the policy that people purchase. However, some coverage that providers may offer include financial protection for the mobile home, personal valuables, living expenses and injuries of other persons for whom the owner of the mobile home is liable. Financial protection includes damage to the home or contents of the home due to fires, severe storms and lightening. It will also protect people against theft of contents in the home. This coverage is effective if people decide to move their mobile homes, as well. Some typical claims may include such things as damage to property, medical bills, pain and suffering and lost wages. As stated above, the cost of this insurance varies depending on the insurance provider and various other factors. When shopping for mobile home insurance, it is a smart idea to get several quotes first from different providers. There are many sites online that will offer free quotes to people who need this form of insurance. Cost is not the only thing that people should take into consideration when looking for insurance for their mobile homes. They should also think about what they may need. For example, if they are in a high-crime area, they will want to make sure they are covered from theft, and if they are in a location that is prone to hurricanes, they will want to make sure they are covered against natural disasters. In conclusion, mobile home insurance is essential for anyone who owns one of these homes. These policies offer many different, valuable benefits such as coverage for property damage, medical expenses, injuries, theft and much more. For those people, who own mobile homes, it is in their best interest to purchase a mobile home insurance policy.
Most teenagers have cell phones so that they can talk and text their friends. If you have a teen with a cell phone, you should be sure to purchase mobile phone insurance. The insurance will protect your teen's phone if it gets wet or damaged. It will also cover the cell phone if it is lost or stolen. The cost of the insurance is much cheaper than replacing a cellular phone, as many cell phones cost hundreds of dollars to replace. Most mobile phone insurance plans cost less than five dollars a month.
In order to give an accurate estimate, the coin should be seen. I suggest you take it to a coin dealer and have it appraised.
Well with written proof and the incident verified, the insurance company should pay for everything that was damaged.