After an automobile accident occurs, there are a number of things that one should do. One of the first important things is to check on the safety and wellness of everyone in the vehicle. Next, a person should talk to the driver of the other automobile that was involved in the accident and check with him or her to learn his or her insurance information. Lastly, a person should contact the police, file a report, and then determine the claim with their own insurance company to resolve the matter.
how many accidents happen as a result to boy racers
it caused many accidents, pollution.
Harry R. De Silva has written: 'Why we have automobile accidents' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Automobile drivers, Traffic accidents
You should try an auto parts store or places that specialize in automobile paint jobs. You can also check places that specialize in repairing cars that have been in automobile accidents.
When buying a used car you should be prepared to ask important questions such as: what make, model and year the car is as well as why the owner is selling. Always make sure to check if the automobile has been in any accidents or has had repairs.
In the state of Florida, there are almost 2 million automobile accidents every year. The majority of these automobile accidents occur due to cell phone use and driving.
annual statistics should be available from uk government or companies supplying stastistics to insurance companies or universities
There are many great ways to get discounts on automobile car insurance. A good way is to shop around and check multiple automobile car insurance companies and see which offer the best deals. Also, being a safe driver with no previous accidents will help a person get a discount.
Major factor in suicide, automobile accidents, and crime
In U.S. it has approximately 6, 500,000 accidents per year thus, it averages to 18,000 per day.
Every day about 3000 people die in automobile accidents and 3/4 of them are babies.