Lil Wayne claims the set of all of his music videos :)
Yes you can claim childcare. As far as I know there is no set amount you can deduct.
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It all depends on the state the claim is filed. If a state does not have a set amount of time of the company to investigate and make a decision on a claim, they are required to do it in a "reasonable" amount of time, depending on what time of auto claim it is.
A claim is a statement that asserts a belief or position, while an argument is a set of reasons presented in support of that claim. In other words, a claim is the main point being made, and an argument provides the rationale or evidence to persuade others of the validity of that claim.
Spain, France, England, and Portugal.
France is inhabited since prehistoric times, so there is no hint of who could claim to be the first to have set foot in the area.
He was a Viking explorer, and was the first European to set foot in North America.
To set up a colony and claim it for France
An Adivasi is a member of a heterogeneous set of ethnic and tribal groups, which claim to be the aboriginal population of India.
The time limit to file for an insurance claim in Illinois depends on the type of claim it is, such as house or car. Typically you have one year form the date of the incident to file. Your insurance company may set different limits.
Generally no, but it depends on how your policy is set up and how many claims you file a year.