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No traffic, the posted speed limit. Non-posted 2-lane highways are default 55mph. In traffic, only as fast as safe, no tailgating

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Q: What rule applies to speed an ideal weather and road conditions?
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SEcond rule applies to any speed in ideal weather and road conditions?

The second rule of driving states that the proper following distance is at least 2 seconds from the vehicle in front of you. This applies to any speed you are travelling, whether it be slow or fast, as long as the weather and road conditions are ideal. Maintaining a safe following distance allows you to react in time to any sudden changes and helps prevent collisions.

When may you drive at the posted speed limits in Mississippi?

remember that the posted speeds are intended only for the most ideal conditions

Should you should always drive the posted speed limit in poor weather conditions?

No, you should not. Your speed should depend on the weather conditions, and you should only drive a speed that is safe according to current visibility and road conditions.

Should you always post the speed limit in poor weather conditions?

No, you should not. Your speed should depend on the weather conditions, and you should only drive a speed that is safe according to current visibility and road conditions.

What is the speed of the world's fastest car?

The Buggati Veyron has a top speed of 256 mph. This top speed can be broken due to ideal conditions.

Do advance warning signs on a curve recommend safe speed in average driving conditions?

No. Advance warning signs on a curve recommend safe speed in ideal conditions.

Can you get pulled over for going the speed limit in unsafe weather conditions?

Drivers are expected to drive at a speed suitable for the weather and road conditions. Keeping to the speed limit when the weather is appalling, is rather silly. The police could pull over a driver they consider to be driving in a dangerous manner.

Does a posted speed limit of 55 mph mean that you may drive mph on that highway under all conditions?

A posted speed limit of 55 mph does NOT mean that you may drive 55 mph on that highway under all conditions. The top posted limit is for ideal conditions. But when driving, the conditions never completely stay at ideal. You must use common sense and judgment to lower your speed as necessary.

During extreme weather conditions under which speed law could an officer cite you for driving 45 MPH in a posted 45 MPH zone?

An officer could cite you for driving too fast for conditions, even if you are driving at the posted speed limit of 45 MPH during extreme weather conditions. Drivers are required to adjust their speed based on weather and road conditions to ensure safety.

Weather includes daily changes in weather conditions Name three conditions that change daily?

Temperature, precipitation (rain, snow), and wind speed are three weather conditions that change daily.

What speed should you use cruise control?

The Speed Limit or appropriate speeds according to weather conditions.

What is the day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere called?

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