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The co-buyer of a vehicle has equal rights to the vehicle if there name is on the title. The co-buyers rights can be defined by a written or verbal contract.

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Q: What rights does a co buyer have to a vehicle?
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Buyer want all rights to vehicle from co buyer?

The only way to get all rights back from the co-borrower is to have the loan refinanced. The co-borrower will have to agree to remove their name from the car.

I am the buyer but co buyer has car and hasn't make the payment what are my rights?

i am the buyer made payments but the co buyer has the car and has not made any payments what are may rights Very generally speaking, cobuyers (cosigners) have the same rights to the vehicle as the primary buyer, however, you may or may not have the right to take possession of the vehicle without permission of the buyer. Some states have specific laws about taking possession of a vehicle under those circumstances.

Does a co buyer have rights to the auto loan payments?

The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.

Can the co-buyer of a vehicle registered it?


If co-buyer has possession of a vehicle and has all financial resposibilities who is entitled to the vehicle buyer or co-buyer?

both buyer and co buyer --- Typically, in disputes like this, possession is factored into the legal decision. It is likely whoever has possession at the time of court findings will prevail.

What rights do the co buyer have if the primary buyer pays the car off but the co buyer has made all payments before that?


If the buyer hasent made any payments over a car and the co buyer has. What are the co buyers rights?

The co-buyer can sue the buyer in court and provide proof of payments and be repaid the amount put in.

How can a co-buyer take possession of a truck when the primary borrower is not making the payments?

When someone co-signs, they are basically just agreeing to making the payments when the signer can not. * Any legal rights that a cosigner or a co-buyer(borrower) have depend upon whether or not their name is on the title to the vehicle.

What is co buyer?

An individual who purchases a vehicle jointly with a Buyer, and is jointly liable for repayment of the loan.

What is the difference between a co-buyer and a co-signer when it comes to purchasing a vehicle?

A co-buyer is jointly responsible for the loan and owns the vehicle, while a co-signer is only responsible for the loan if the primary borrower fails to make payments.

Can the buyer do a vol repossession without the co-buyers permission?

A buyer can do a voluntary possession without the permission of the co-buyers if that buyer is the sole owner of the vehicle. If the co-buyers are also co-owners, they would have to give consent first.

In California State what are the legal rights of ownership for a vehicle between a primary buyer and a co buyer when the primary buyer becomes delinquent on a payment?

Unknown what is meant by the term "co-buyer." Are you referring to a "co-signer" of the loan? In such a transaction the only entity that actually OWNS the car is the lender. The borrower is allowed to POSSESS the car only so long as the financial obligation to the lender is met and current. If the buyer stops paying, the lender will turn to the co-signer for the money, but just because the principal buyer stops paying doesn't automatically mean that the possession of the vehicle passes to the co-signer. Whatever interest the co-signer has in the car is a matter of agreement between him and the buyer of the car. The co-signer does not necessarily have any legal rights to the car at all. The lender doesn't care who actually HAS the car in their possession just so long as they are paid the money that is due them.