It means to make something happen by angering someone else, such as--> He may punch you if you provoke him with name calling.
To provoke
to provoke
To provoke
Provoke in Latin is either Provocare or Vocare. When I looked at, provoke gave me a connection to Voice. Voice is vocare in Latin. I thought, do Provoke and Voice have anything in common? I found out that Vocare mean "to call" Do they have anything in common? What does provoke have to do with to call?a friend of mine said: maybe you can get provoked by having someone call you? I don't know!
Taunt, tease, or provoke
Provoke, encourage, activate etc, generally a positive effect
To anger someone means to provoke them to anger or make them mad.
Provoking someone is annoying them or making them angry in some way.
No, "provoke" does not have a prefix. It is a standalone word.
Do not provoke something...or take advantage of a situation a second time.