Karl Benz was a heavy drinker. He had the idea to build a horseless carriage (aka the car) and realized he could only accomplish it while sober. Benz then smartened up his act and succeeded in building the first practical automobile.
Karl Benz Not Carl Benz
Karl benz parents always called him Karl Friedrich
Karl Benz had 2 children.
Karl Benz had sex twice
Karl Benz was born on November 25, 1844.
Karl Benz was born on November 25, 1844.
what was the name of Karl Benz workshop
Karl Benz invented the automobile in Germany.
mercedes gaught its name from the daughter of karl benz .Karl Benz named it when his da
Karl Benz sold the first car ever. This is a true fact.
Karl Benz died on April 4th, 1929, at Ladenburg.
Nicolaus Otto influenced Karl Benz