Be sure the cap is on tight, brake fluid absorbs moisture quickly if the container is left open.
Brake fluid should have low freezing point
DOT 3 brake fluid
You should flush and replace the brake fluid in your brake system every two years. You can change your own brake fluid, but service facilities now do this with brake flushing machines. If you find have a brake fluid leak or you have to bleed your brakes, youll have to restore the brake fluid in your master cylinder to its proper level. Here are some things that you should know about buying and using brake fluid
DOT 3 brake fluid
PS should be 18000 miles and brake fluid about 30000 miles PS should be 18000 miles and brake fluid about 30000 miles
The first thing you should do is remove the master cylinder so you can dump the brake fluid reservoir out. If you have used the brakes, it is a very good idea to get the entire brake system bled and replace all the brake fluid.
go to a mechanic immediately
Brake fluid for 95 maxima
Brake fluid for the Caravan is labeled as a "DOT 3" fluid.
If you are looking for a reliable and cheap place to get some brake fluid because your brakes have not been up to par and needs brake fluid, then you should go to Brake and Stake Shop.
Regardless the brand name, It should be (Dot 4) brake fluid.
The brake fluid used is DOT 3