you could probably get charged with "reckless driving" along with hitting a pedestrian on a crosswalk. It depends if it was considered "hit and run", if it was your fine could probably go up by $100-$300.
Personal shame, for one. The actual $$ cost will be determined by the court system where you live.
Crosswalks cannot be assessed penalties, Only pedestrians or drivers can be assessed penalties. Are you asking about a driver blocking a crosswalk? Failing to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk? A pedestrian not using a crosswalk to cross a street? (Hardly ever ticketed in Mass.) Go here:
Like a crosswalk-for persons on foot.
strictly speaking it is legal for an pedestrian to cross a roadway outside of a crosswalk, when he crosses the road at residential area which is non artillery or main road. hari
Crossing a road without a crosswalk is dangerous and illegal. If a pedestrian is knocked down at a non-residential area that does not have a crosswalk, the driver is not at fault.
Yes, it is illegal to park in an unmarked crosswalk. Blocking a crosswalk obstructs pedestrian pathways and can create a safety hazard for those crossing the street. It is important to park in designated areas to ensure pedestrian safety.
If a pedestrian enters a crosswalk with a red countdown clock at 3 seconds, they are still considered to be jaywalking. Pedestrians should only enter a crosswalk when the signal is green or walk, not during the countdown phase. It is important to follow traffic signals for pedestrian safety.
If you were walking on the crosswalk and if you were not at fault, the driver should be responsible for covering the cost of damages... assuming you were not doing anything wrong like not walking on the crosswalk, or walking on the crosswalk when it says not to...
At the corner
In the U.S. and Canada the law is: * Cross on crosswalks (if a car hits a pedestrian in a crosswalk that's not a good thing! * Most crosswalks have either an automatic signal to tell the pedestrian when to cross or there is a button close by the pedestrian can push to change the crosswalk signal. * If pedestrians J-walk (not in a crosswalk) then it's not the driver's fault in most cases. * If the weather is bad it's up to the pedestrian to be aware as much as the driver of vehicles and if you go out dressed in black or any dark clothing and think that you have are the cock of the J-walk think again! If you have dark clothing on and were not giving drivers a chance to see you then charges may not be laid against the driver and you're on your own. NOTE: A pedestrian is just as responsible for walking even across a crosswalk as a driver is seeing them.