The spark plugs ignite the petrol vapour to produce an explosion that forces the pistons down and this is turned into motion by the cranck shaft.
because the car burns gas to move
This means your car is working. Driving burns gas, and it disappears from the gas tank.
a car burns about 1/8 a gallon of gas in ten miles if it can do 80 miles per gallon.
this depends on the rate at which your car burns fuel
octane is how volatile the gas is the higher the octane the bigger the boom and cleaner it burns
generator gas gage gas tank
Check the condition of the spark plugs, the air filter, tire inflation, and excess baggage in the car or trunk.
The gas that a Bunsen burner burns is typically natural gas or liquid propane.
In your car, the catalytic converter is the part that converts the toxic waste in your car into exhaust. By adding substances such as vanadium, you can reduce the waste put out by your car, and reduce your carbon footprint. You can reduce your emissions even further by using unleaded gas, which puts out less toxins when it burns.
it is the hydrogen that burns to make gas hot