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I'd suggest checking the manual for your particular vehicle model and/or checking with your local Isuzu service desk for advice.

For my 2005 2WD

Isuzu NPR400 (=

NPR75?) truck in Australia, the smoother section (the front section) of my MYY-6P automated manual transmission (not an Aisin)

uses "Isuzu AMT Fluid" (ID 92956067) to specification Besco


My Isuzu dealer charges AUD 50.93 (as at March 2013) for 5L of the stuff.

From time to time I've tried to find aftermarket alternatives meeting the Besco


specification, and came up with Fuchs Titan ATF 4400. However, the fact that few mainstream automatic Transmission Fluid manufacturers seem to claim to meet the Besco


specification, plus the fact that a smoother may for all I know be differently constructed to a conventional torque converter, plus the fact that 5L of "Isuzu AMT Fluid" lasts me for at least two services, leads me to be content for now with using the Isuzu product.

Oddly, the gearbox section (the rearward section) of my truck transmission takes the same multigrade

oil as the engine crankcase, that is, not a dedicated gear oil. I happen to use Castrol

RX Super, but there are plenty of options. Again, I'd suggest checking the manual for your particular vehicle model and/or checking with your local Isuzu service desk.

I hope this helps.

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