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First look what the ratio of the mix is from the manufacturer. Example if it is 40:1 it takes 3.2 oz. of 2 cycle oil....24:1 would be 5.3 oz......50:1 would 2.5 oz........The formula is figured in ounces.... the number 1 in the ratio of the mix is the gasoline so one gallon of gas = 128 ounces. So what ever your mix ratio is , take 128 & divide it by the first number in the ratio of your mix. Hope this helps & simplified this for you First look what the ratio of the mix is from the manufacturer. Example if it is 40:1 it takes 3.2 oz. of 2 cycle oil....24:1 would be 5.3 oz......50:1 would 2.5 oz........The formula is figured in ounces.... the number 1 in the ratio of the mix is the gasoline so one gallon of gas = 128 ounces. So what ever your mix ratio is , take 128 & divide it by the first number in the ratio of your mix. Hope this helps & simplified this for you

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