what parts do i have to take off, to take off the oil pan on a 2003 chevy cavalier
start with an oil change and new plugs then the air filter beyond that take it to a shop it's easier and will save alot of time
how to i put it at on the Chevy cavalier 2.2 l
what are the signs for replacing the oil gasket in a 1996 Chevy cavalier
manual states 4 1/2 quarts
Energy conserving 5W30 oil certified for use in gasoline engines.
A 97 Chevy Cavalier can take standard 10w30 motor oil as it provides good all around performance. A lower viscosity oil is more desirable in cold weather.
5 quarts 5-40 weight
it depends on the motor size but most take 4.5 quarts
What do I need to do if my 1999 chevy cavailer has water in the oil?
In order to replace a timing chain for a 2003 Chevy Cavalier, a person will need remove the oil pan, crankshaft pulley and hub, timing cover bolts, and timing cover. Then the timing cover gasket, timing cover and bolts, crankshaft pulley, and oil pan will need to be installed.