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The number that gets you to the highest setting without seeing condensation on your windows in the winter. Should shoot for around 25-30% humididty.

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Q: What number should you set your dehumidifer on?
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Is a dehumidifer used for basements only?

No a dehumidifer can be used in any room of your home. A dehumidifier is used too control the levels of moisture in the air.

Should you turn off your vents in your basement when using your dehumidifer with your air conditioning running in the house?

No. While in air conditioning mode, the air will assist in the dehumidification.

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How often should I change the water in my Dehumidifier?

Dehumidifers remove the moisture from the air .It depends on the size of the dehumidifer as to when to empty.Some are larger than others and if they are placed in a very damp place it will fill up faster

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The only rule for any set is that given any element [number], you should be able to determine whether or not it is a member of the set.

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They are located on the bottom of your checks. First set of numbers in the bottom left are your "routing number" to your bank. The second set of numbers is the checking account number. The third set of numbers is the actual check number (should match the number in the top right corner.)

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The number of justices on the Supreme Court are fixed by?

Congress decides how many justices should be on the US Supreme Court. The current number, nine, was set by the Judiciary Act of 1869.

Why is there a filter on a dehumidifer?

In order for a dehumidifer to do its work it needs to suck air into the system and then release it, the fact that air is passing through the system constantly means it has the ability to clean the air as it operates, filters are included as they are cheap and you get a free air filtration system, there is little damage to the unit that can come from not using a filter, but they are added as an extra to help market the products better.