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plane travel

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Q: What mode of Transportation starts with a p?
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What is a mode of transportation into space that starts with a m?

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A method of transportation that starts with b?

One method of transportation that starts with the letter "b" is a bicycle. A bicycle is a human-powered vehicle with two wheels that is propelled by pedaling. It is a popular mode of transportation for short distances and promotes physical activity.

What is Greece's main mode of transportation?

The main mode of transportation in Greece is the Ferry Transport.

What mode of transportation opened in England in 1830?

The railroad became the primary mode of transportation

What retail chain is named after a mode of transportation?

Are you trying to solve the hacker's question on the RIP Victoria Soto page as well? :P

How do you spell transportation?

That is the correct spelling of "transportation" (mode of travel or shipment).

What is the main mode of transportation around the world?

The main mode is car.

Can you use transportation in a sentence?

i would prefer a faster mode of transportation, but the bus will have to do.

What is the most popular mode of transportation in china?

Bikes is the most popular transportation

What mode of transportation did settlers use on the river?

the transportation the settlers use is a flatboat

For how long did stagecoaches operate as a popular mode of transportation?

Stagecoaches operated as a popular mode of transportation for about 200 years, from the 17th to the 19th centuries.