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Q: What minerals is a silicate Gematite Feldspar Calcite Halite?
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Related questions

What are two major minerals?

Calcite and aragonite.

What are the four major rock-forming minerals?

they are quartz, mica, feldspar, and calcite.

Are Oxygen in any minerals?

Yes oxygen is in Minerals such as Quartz Feldspar Beryl Hermatite Mica Calcite and others

10 most common rock forming minerals?

The Top 10 Rock-Forming MineralsSilicate Minerals:QuartzFeldspar Group:K-Feldspar (Orthoclase)PlagioclaseOlivinePyroxene Group:AugiteAmphibole Group:HornblendeMica Group:MuscoviteBiotiteGarnetNon-silicate minerals:Calcite

What are some examples of silicate and nonsilicate minerals?

Important examples of silicate mineral species include forsterite (in the olivine group), almandine (in the garnet group), epidote, schorl (in the tourmaline group), enstatite (in the pyroxene group), actinolite (in the amphibole group), muscovite (in the mica group), albite (in the feldspar group), stilbite (in the zeolite group), and quartz. Important examples of non-silicate mineral species include calcite, gypsum, fluorite, hematite, galena, and gold.

What do quartz pyroxene olivine calcite have in common?

Both minerals have a vitreous luster, a white streak, and contain oxygen.

Is Calcite a non silicate material?

Calcite is non-silicate, containing no silicon elements.

What are the ten most rock- forming minerals?

Quartz, Potassium Feldspar, Plagioclase Feldspar, Muscovite (mica), Biotite (mica), Amphibole (hornblende), Pyroxene, Olivine, Calcite, Dolomite.

What minerals are found in sand?

Sand is not any particular mineral, it is a grain size. Different sands can include quartz, feldspar, calcite and a variety of other minerals.

Can calcite scratch feldspar?


What is carbonic acid abd how does it effect chemical weathering process?

Carbonic acid is an acid formed by diluting co2 in water. It weathers calcite minerals by reaction with them (Lime stone)

Is calcite a silicate?

No, because in order to be a silicate a mineral needs to have both silicon and oxygen. The composition for calcite is CaCO3. Calcite is a carbonate mineral.