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Most cars are Steel (sheet metal) Some are Aluminum. Corvettes are Fiberglass, Some saturns had steel with plastic skins on the doors and the ultimate DeLorean was Stainless steel.

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Q: What material is a car fender made from?
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What a sentence using the word fender?

A car fender

What material are police cars made of?

The same material as your car or mine.

Where is the fender of the car located?

The fender of the car is located on the front sides of the car. The fenders sit right above the tires.

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What material is best for a car subwoofer to be made out of?

It will be made of many components the casing material will not matter much.

How do you use fender in a sentence?

'The fender on my car got smashed in the wreck I was in.'

How sound waves travel in solid?

Either by volumetric compressions, which are based on the material's bulk modulus, or shear stress (think of a multi-car fender-bender where the first car hits the second, hits the third, etc.) which is based on the material's shear modulus.

What material is a car door made from?

Sheet Steel

What material does a car chassis made of?

A car chassis is made of heavy boxed steel, stamped steel or aluminum.

What material are police car windows made from?

Safety glass, same as your car or mine.

What material is a car scissor jack made of?

Usually steel.

What is known as Fender Tweed?

Music amplifiers have covers on the front of them that are known as Fender Tweed. The material feels like tweed and Fender is a very popular brand of music equipment.