The cap doesn't actually crack (unless someone broke it) but bad ignition wires can cause to much resistance for the spark to travel to the spark plug so the spark jumps inside the distributor cap causing carbon tracks that resemble cracks.
The distributor may be faulty or have a crack, there may be a disconnection or a dirty connection from the distributor to the spark plug (s). The connections on the distributor may be corroded. Some where there is a break in the power train in the non-firing cylinders.
Researching this for my sister in law. Seems most people have found it to be the optical sensor in the distributor or the distributor itself. Sensor cost almost as much as the distributor so makes sense to change both by replacing the distributor.
The only thing I can get from that question is that there is a hairline crack in the cap.
How long should it approximately work a car distributor?
A distributor will change the way the car runs not the way it drives.
what makes knuckles crack is carbon dioxide bubbles in your knuckles along with cartilage.
If it has a distributor, then all the plug wires will merge at the distributor. Follow the wires.
MTV Makes Me Want to Smoke Crack was created in 1992.
Yes, the distributor sends the Spark to each cylinder. No Sparky No Runny.
Replace your distributor cap, it probably has a crack in it.
the distributor
probably the cap carbon track on the side will show crack could also be the wire is loose