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Under inflated tires, broken sway bar, broken sway bar links, bad shocks/struts, broken springs, worn steering and suspension parts.

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Q: What makes a car sway badly?
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Related questions

Does a car have to have sway bar to pass inspection?

No, but I for sure would not drive a car with the sway bar missing. That is a dangerous situation.

Why does your car rock back and forth while driving?

Broken sway bar or sway bar links.

How do you know when you need shocks 1996 LEXUS SWAY FROM SIDE TO SIDE?

shocks will not cause car to sway side to side...need to check sway bar...soonnn

What makes the back end of a 1999 Pontiac sway easily when turning?

Low air pressure in one or both rear tires, a sway bar or sway bar link is broken.

What is arb link in a car?

Anti-Roll Bar or Sway Bar

Should you use the word bad or badly in this sentence The car was damaged so badly in the accident?

badly hope i helped!

Why is swaying with the wind bette than completely resisting it?

a. Sway helps to minimize wind damage. b. Sway makes the building stronger by compressing the weight into the ground. c. Sway is not better than resisting wind.

What is the possessive noun for badly?

"Badly" is an adverb, not a noun. Can't be a possessive noun, unless your name is Mr. Badly, in which case it's "Mr. Badly's car".

What does a sway bar bushing do?

The sway bar bushing is located inside the the clamp that secures the sway bar to the frame. They use a busing to allow a little flex in the sway bar but not enough to cause a clank sound everytime the bar is flexed. So if the bushing is worn or gone your sway bar will make a bunch of clunk/clank sounds when the car is in motion.

Car sways from side to side?

Anti-sway bar or shock broken.

What song is dean martin singing on TV car ad?

the song is Sway.

Why does your car sway?

most likely bad shock absorbers or underinflated tires