I do not know of any spray products that make a car bullet proof, but there is bullet-proof plastic that form to fit the window type of a certain car, and some bullet proof glass.
First, NOTHING is bullet PROOF. Even a tank is not if you use the right bullet. A car can be bullet RESISTANT, and can have armor added to it to make it more bullet resistant.
Bite the Bullet - film - was created in 1975.
hi planes drifter
The film 'Bullet' was produced in 1966, and should not be confussed with the film 'Bullit' starring Steve McQueen produced in 1968.
how to apply it on the car
it was a black dodge charger i believe it was a 1968
To Hell with a Bullet - 2013 was released on: USA: 17 August 2013 (Action On Film International Film Festival)
find a bullet of the same caliber. shoot the person that made the hole. remove bullet from person. use bullet to plug hole in car
The setting for the film Bullet was San Francisco. And yes McQueen's character in the film drove a mustang.
There are many places where one can purchase a video of the slow motion film called 'Bullet'. One can buy a video of the slow motion film called 'Bullet' at popular on the web sources such as Amazon and eBay.